Light Duty Fence Panels
A low specification flat top double lapped timber garden fence panel. Ideal if you are on a tight budget. Available in the following sizes:
Size Price
6ft x 5ft - £15.00
6ft x 4ft - £13.00
6ft x 3ft - £12.00
6ft x 2ft - £9.00
A & G Fencing has been trading for over 20 years. We have a wealth of experience and knowledge. We can help you purchase the right fencing and accessories for your project. We have a large range of products with a full display area so you can view what your fence is going to look like before you commit to buying.
A & G FENCING. Hilton Fold Lane, Middleton, Manchester M24 2NB
T: 0161 65 444 81
M: 07817 112 056
We accept all major credit and debit payment cards: